ILTER places emphasis on solid and professional internal structures which provide the institutional framework for its long-term operations in line with its
strategic goals. The ILTER governance approach defines roles and responsibilities, decision-making processes, and accountability mechanisms regarding the association's actions, its collaborations with other networks and organizations, and regarding how its funds are spent.
Member Networks and Regions
ILTER is a
network of networks. Most of its members are national LTER networks, consisting of scientists collectively engaged to conduct scientific research according to the
ILTER mission, vision and goals. Each of these networks has its own long-term program and has become part of the ILTER legal entity. Some of the ILTER member networks are structured into ILTER Regional Groups:
LTER Europe and
ILTER East Asia Pacific (EAP).
Governance structure of the ILTER association
The ILTER governance model establishes a comprehensive framework that ensures efficient coordination, collaboration, and decision-making across both the distributed member networks and the centrally organized initiatives of the association. By distinctively delineating the formally operating Governing Board and the forum-like Coordinating Committee, a range of membership options is made available.
For specific information on the various structural elements, please see below. All details about ILTER governance are described in the ILTER Bylaws available via the
ILTER Public Cloud.
Governing Board
The Governing Board stands as ILTER's central decision-making entity, with each ILTER Member Network holding a single vote. To participate in the ILTER Governing Board, it is mandatory for Member Networks to have settled their annual membership dues with the ILTER association. The Governing Board exercises authority over ILTER's yearly budget allocation and strategic planning, among other key responsibilities.
Settling the annual membership fee creates a distinct demarcation, enabling the respective Member Network to actively participate in decision-making processes and the election of ILTER office holders. Furthermore, the allocation of ILTER's expenditures is determined by the networks that have contributed the corresponding funds. Additionally, membership within the Governing Board is publicly recognized on this website.
All Governing Board members are also members of the Coordinating Committee.
Coordinating Committee
The Coordinating Committee provides a dynamic platform for the active engagement of all Member Networks, fostering ongoing and efficient collaboration. This forum facilitates the exchange of information and thoughtful discourse on matters of significance to ILTER. It reviews updates from the ILTER chair, committees, and Research Initiatives, offering valuable insights. Furthermore, the Coordinating Committee collaboratively formulates action plans.
The ILTER governance structure is at all times inclusive, encompassing all Member Networks, even those currently unable to fulfill their financial membership obligations. Through the Coordinating Committee, every Member Network is integrated within the governance framework, providing them with the opportunity to contribute their insights and express their concerns. Notably, all Coordinating Committee members are welcome to offer guidance and recommendations to the Governing Board.
Executive Committee
The ILTER Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operational aspects of ILTER. The ILTER EC interacts virtually, holding a monthly teleconference. It encompasses the Chair and the Co-Chair, the chairs of the standing Committees for
Science and
Information Management, representatives of
SAEON (South African Environmental Observation Network), the regional groups
LTER Europe, the IMO-Officer (International Management Office) and the Secretary.
Only Member Networks which are also members of the Governing Board may delegate individuals to the Exectutive Committee. The persons taking part in the EC are shown below.
Chair and Co-Chair
The ILTER Chair convenes and presides at the meetings of the Governing Board, the Coordinating Committee and the Executive Committee, and ensures that the business of ILTER is carried out effectively and in accordance with the Governing Board's decisions. The Co-Chair supports the Chair's work and takes over the Chair’s role in case the Chair is absent. Both Chair and Co-Chair are elected by the Governing board. Terms vary between two and six years.
Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
ILTER has established two standing committees, namely for
Science and for
Information management. For specific purposes, also ad hoc committees have been set up, for example to work out guidelines for
internal balance. The Chairs and Co-Chairs of the standing committees are elected by the Governing board for a term of three years.
International Management Office
The International Management Office provides day-to-day support for the ILTER Chair's and Co-Chair's work and performs ad hoc work as foreseen by the Chair. Among its ongoing obligations, it provides support regarding
ILTER meetings, including minute taking, set up of virtual meeting tools etc.. It also handles central communication, such as mailing lists and the
ILTER Newsletters and official correspondence. The IMO officer is nominated by the ILTER Chair.
Secretariat and Financing Office
The ILTER Secretariat handles the financial administration of the association and of its
Research Initiatives. It hosts the
document store and the central contacts database. It performs contractual work and
legal obligations including maintenance of the associations register. Moreover, it is responsible for maintaining this website and for
data security. Both offices closely collaborate. The ILTER Secretary is elected by the Governing Board. The term of office is four-years.
Our Team
Tiffany Troxler
Chair of ILTER
Florida International University, USA
Shayli Dor-Haim
Co-Chair of ILTER
Forestry Division, KKL-JNF Israel
Michael Mirtl
Chair of International Relations Committee
Chair of
LTER Europe
Environment Agency Austria
Elli Groner
Chair of the
Science Committee
Dead Sea & Arava Science, Israel
Tommy Bornman
South African Environment Observation Network
Helga van der Merve
South African Environment Observation Network
Nancy Grimm
Representative of
Arizona State University, USA
Dishane Hewavithana
IMO Officer
Florida International University
Herbert Haubold
Environment Agency Austria