As an international organization, ILTER representatives come from different nations with diverse background. ILTER acknowledges and values such diversity. ILTER wishes to encourage a broad participation by being inclusive to all participants and establish productive collaboration in long-term ecological studies. Therefore, ILTER practices several methods to facilitate effective communication among people of all kinds of backgrounds.
It is encouraged for the delegates to understand different communication styles of the member networks.
Communication in writing
Emphasizing the importance of written documents. Written summaries are to be provided for discussion. The summaries are suggested to be written in short and straightforward English. Preferably in advance, when possible. During meetings, all motions should be written on screen, especially before voting. Legal terms should be presented in writing.
Appropriate meeting facilitation
The moderators of discussion should acknowledge and be aware of different communication styles of people with diverse background. It is essential for the moderators to balance the opinions of people with different backgrounds and encourage people from the underrepresented groups to express their opinions. The moderators may consider to tour the table and ask for statements. ILTER commits to develop guidelines to assist moderators to be effective in communication.
Varied meetings and styles
Communication in multiple ways is encouraged when technically possible. For instance, online chats may allow representatives to express their ideas in a different way.
It is suggested to have different types of business meetings. Some meetings are aiming for open discussion, especially at the planning stage. In this type of meeting, balanced discussions are especially important. Other meetings may aim for finalizing the business. This type of meetings may allow to be more organized and fast paced. The ILTER annual meetings should be designed with mixed styles.